Monday, November 22, 2010

Progress: Renderings, Floor Plans, The Project Book

Our group has been working diligently on preparing everything for the final presentations. Rendered floor plans have been completed in photoshop. Interior perspectives from 3ds Max have been completed. Exterior perspectives from Revit have been completed. Now, it's all in the details. The architects are working on a model of the site, which includes a massing model of our building. They are also building a model of our custom sculpture. The interior designers are putting together the materials and presentation boards and working on the project booklet. This will include information on process, precedent studies, materials, furniture, all renderings, floor plans, occupancies, etc. Below are a few images of our progress. Please note that final touches have not been put on any of these images.

Spaces undeveloped on each floor are shaded in grey. The floor plans will be superimposed onto the site via an arial view for the final presentation.

These images are taken directly from 3ds Max. They do not include final details, such as accessories, silhouettes, exterior views, finalized lighting, etc.

ATRIUM: This view is northeast facing. The central piece is the canteen in this image. The connection to the second floor through the open central area is also visible. The bank of elevators as well as the staircases are visible to the right and create a focal point in this perspective.

ATRIUM: This is a view of our community communication area. It includes two digital kiosks as a guest resource. This custom wall (the other side faces the entrance) is made completely of cork. This will serve as a place to put fliers containing information about various events in the community.

SPECIALTY CLINIC: This is a simple view of an exam room. It will include silhouettes depicting a doctor and patient as well as the necessary accessories.

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